
Stay on top of all financial plannings with our app, tips & stories.

3 Steps to Tracking your Expenses like a PRO

There’s a reason why so many people fail at managing their finances. That’s because they don’t know where to start. Well, learning the art of tracking your expenses is definitely something you should consider if you’re looking to upgrade your financial management skills. But exactly how is it possible to

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How to efficiently manage your money

Financial health is something that’s often overlooked by most of us.  One of the most essential parts of maintaining good financial health is efficient management of your finances. So if you’re someone who finds it hard to keep track of your expenses and are living from paycheck to paycheck, here

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Frequently asked questions

If your questions/concerns are not listed here, you can get in touch with us via Phone/Email/Chat.

As your personal finance manager, CashFlow respects your privacy and keep all your data confidential.

You can download your transactions and expense reports in a single click, and export it as pdf/xls/csv into your device.

The app has options to add as many accounts as you want. This helps you to keep track of each accounts separately.

The deatiled reports give you glimpse into your most spend categories, account status and valuable insights to manage your money better.

Yes, CashFlow provides a set of predefined categories for your Income/Expense and an option to add your own categories.

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With CashFlow, you have a money tracker, budget expense tracker, and finance manager, all in one.